Friday, October 4, 2019

Eternal Subject

All philosophy and scriptures have come from the plane of relative knowledge of subject and object. But no thought or language of the human mind can fully express the Reality which lies beyond the plane of relative Knowledge! 
Science, philosophy, etc. are only partial truths. So they can never be the adequate channels of expression for the transcendent Reality. 

Hence viewed from the transcendent standpoint, everything appears to be unreal -- religious creeds, and works, I and thou, and the universe -- everything is unreal! 
Then only it is perceived: "I am the only reality; I am the all-pervading Atman, and I am the proof of my own existence." 

Where is the room for a separate proof to establish the reality of my existence? I am, as the scriptures say, "नित्यमस्मत् प्रसिद्धम् -- always known to myself as the eternal subject" (Vivekachudamani, 409). 
I have seen that state, realised it. You also see and realise it and preach this truth of Brahman to all. 
Then only will you attain to peace. 

                    - Swami Vivekananda, 
                       Conversations and Dialogues, 
                        recorded by Sharat Chandra Chakravarty  

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