Tuesday, August 30, 2016

"Skin Sky"

                                                   (Tags: Skin Sky, Man, Body, God)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Churn out Brahman!

      (Tags: Brahman, Omnipresent, Universe, Butter, Milk, Friction, Manifest, Churning, Dhyana, Realisation, Soul)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Bring out Brahman

So long as enjoyment is sought, bondage remains. Only imperfection can enjoy, because enjoyment is the fulfilling of desire. 

The human soul enjoys nature. The underlying reality of nature, soul, and God is Brahman; but It (Brahman) is unseen, until we bring It out. It may be brought out by Pramantha  or friction, just as we can produce fire by friction. 

The body is the lower piece of wood, Om is the pointed piece and Dhyana (meditation) is the friction. 
When this is used, that light which is the knowledge of Brahman will burst forth in the soul.
- Swami Vivekananda

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Infinite Manifestation

        (Tags: Infinite, Manifestation, Portion, Brahman, Unchangeable, Unexpressed, Knower, Trinity, Known, Knowing, Universe, God, Yogi, Meditation, Power, Nature, Will)

Friday, August 26, 2016

Sons of the King

     (Tags: Creation ,Beginning, Axe, Root, Philosophy, Maya, Energy, Universe, Potential, Kinetic, Mother, Free, Universe, Weakness, Beggars, Son, King)

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Philosophy of the Beyond

In one sense Brahman is known to every human being; he knows, "I am"; but man does not know himself as he is. 

We all know we are, but not how we are. All lower explanations are partial truths; but the flower, the essence of the Vedas, is that the Self in each of us is Brahman. 

Every phenomenon is included in birth, growth, and death -- appearance, continuance, and disappearance. 

Our own realisation is beyond the Vedas, because even they depend upon that. The highest Vedanta is the philosophy of the Beyond.
                              - Swami Vivekananda

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Freedom is to lose all Illusions

           (Tags: Heaven, Superstition, Desire, Yoke, Degeneration, God, Evil, Veil, Delusion, Free, Illusions, Blessed, Freedom)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

No Motion in Atman

              (Tags: Soul, Caste, Delusion, Life, Death, Motion, Quality, Atman, Eternal, Witness, Manifestation, Illusion, Vedas, Highest, Truth)

Monday, August 22, 2016

All is Brahman

               (Tags: God, Birth, Death, Pain, Misery, Murder, Change, Good, Evil, Brahman, Rope, Serpent, Error, Love, Murderer, Superimposed, Hand, Truth) 

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Cleanse the Mirror

           (Tags: Vedas, Karma, Form, Ceremonies, Knowledge, Brahman, Religion, Self, Absolute, Book, Theory, Realisation, Dust, Mirror, Purify, Mind, Flash)

Friday, August 19, 2016

Science and Nescience

You can never know yourself except as objectified. When we mistake one thing for another, we always take the thing before us as the real, never the unseen; thus we mistake the object for the subject. 
The Atman never becomes the object. Mind is the internal sense, the outer senses are its instruments. 
In the subject is a trifle of the objectifying power that enables him to know "I am"; but the subject is the object of its own Self, never of the mind or the senses. 
You can, however, superimpose one idea on another idea, as when we say, "The sky is blue", the sky itself being only an idea. 

Science and nescience there are, but the Self is never affected by any nescience. Relative knowledge is good, because it leads to absolute knowledge; but neither the knowledge of the senses, nor of the mind, nor even of the Vedas is true, 
since they are all within the realm of relative knowledge. 

First get rid of the delusion, "I am the body", then only can we want real knowledge. Man's knowledge is only a higher degree of brute knowledge.

                          - Swami Vivekananda

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Real and Superimposed

All our world comes from truth and untruth coupled together. Samsara (life) is the result of the contradictory forces acting upon us, like the diagonal motion of a ball in a parallelogram of forces.

The world is God and is real, but that is not the world we see; just as we see silver in the mother - of - pearl where it is not. 
This is what is known as Adhyasa or superimposition, that is, a relative existence dependent upon a real one, as when we recall a scene we have seen; for the time it exists for us, but that existence is not real. 
Or some say, it is as when we imagine heat in water, which does not belong to it; so really it is something which has been put where it does not belong, "taking the thing for what it is not". 

We see reality, but distorted by the medium through which we see it.
                                          - Swami Vivekananda

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Subject and Object

According to Shankara, there are two phases of the universe, one is I and the other thou; and they are as contrary as light and darkness, so it goes without saying that neither can be derived from the other. On the subject, the object has been superimposed; the subject is the only reality, the other a mere appearance. The opposite view is untenable. Matter and the external world are but the soul in a certain state; in reality there is only one. 
                                  - Swami Vivekananda

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Come Mother!

          (Tags: Beyond, Freedom, Bondage, Shiva, Immortal, Knowledge, Senses, Infinite, Power, Mother, Vak, Eloquence, Kali, Eternal. Shakti, Force)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Free and Not Free

Materialism says, the voice of freedom is a delusion. Idealism says, the voice that tells of bondage is delusion. Vedanta says, you are free and not free at the same time -- never free on the earthly plane, but ever free on the spiritual.
                                                   - Swami Vivekananda

Saturday, August 13, 2016

In Thee I Take Refuge

                (Tags: Easy, Strike, Blow, Hard, Stay, Hand, Stand, Still, Lord, Refuge, Wait, Him, Act)

Friday, August 12, 2016

Sattvika Type

                (Tags: Sameness, Living, God, Hatred, Killing, Self, Love, Law, Life, Perfect, Work, Sattvika, Trouble)

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sins Quickly Visited!

                  (Tags: Sin, Blessed, Account, Balanced, Woe, Punishment, Deferred, Greater)

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Source Within

                             (Tags: Sum, Total, Knowledge, Manifested, Source, Within)

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Man - The Highest

Man is the highest being that exists, and 
this is the greatest world.
We can have no conception of God higher than man, 
so our God is man, and man is God.

When we rise and go beyond and find something higher, 
we have to jump out of the mind,out of body and the imagination and leave this world; when we rise to be the Absolute, we are no longer in this world. 
Man is the apex of the only world we can ever know.

All we know of animals is only by analogy, we judge them by what we do and feel ourselves.

                                    - Swami Vivekananda

Monday, August 8, 2016

Blasphemy in Hindus

Knowledge exists eternally and is co-existent with God. 
The man who discovers a spiritual law is inspired, and what he brings is revelation; but revelation too is eternal, not to be crystallized as final and then blindly followed. 

The Hindus have been criticized so many years by their conquerors that they (the Hindus) dare to criticize their religion themselves, and this makes them free. 
Their foreign rulers struck off their fetters without knowing it. 

The most religious people of earth, the Hindus have actually no sense of blasphemy; to speak of holy things in any way is to them in itself a sanctification. Nor have they any artificial respect for prophets or books, or for hypocritical piety.

                                          - Swami Vivekananda

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Absolute and Manifestation

The Absolute cannot be worshipped, so we must worship a manifestation, such a one as has our nature. Jesus had our nature; he became the Christ; so can we, and so must we. Christ and Buddha were the names of a state to be attained; Jesus and Gautama were the persons to manifest it. 
         - Swami Vivekananda

Friday, August 5, 2016

God is Love

               (Tags: Foolish, Question, Good, World, Love, Forget, Isms, Drink, Mad)

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Self and self

 (Tags: Love, God, Two, Self, Image, Master, Servant, Equality, Freedom, Hair, Breadth, Eternal, One, Fear)

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


               (Tags: World, Love, Criticism, Good, Thousands, Years, Condemnation, Vedantist, Sympathy)

Monday, August 1, 2016

Inside Outside

    (Tags: Grow, Love, Virtue, Holiness, Condemnation, Adjust, Microcosm, Macrocosm, Hydrostatic, Paradox, Drop, Water, Universe, Huge, Engine, Trouble)