Monday, November 30, 2020

Tremendous Religious Movement

Buddhism is historically the most important religion -- historically, not philosophically -- because it was the most tremendous religious movement that the world ever saw, the most gigantic spiritual wave ever to burst upon human society. 

There is no civilisation on which its effect has not been felt in some way or other.  

            - Swami Vivekananda, Talk at San Francisco 

Moral and Immoral


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Within the Reach of All

Ramakrishna came to teach the religion of today, constructive, not destructive. He had to go afresh to Nature to ask for facts, and he got scientific religion which never says "believe", but "see"; "I see, and you too can see." 

Use the same means and you will reach the same vision. God will come to everyone, harmony is within the reach of all. 

              - Swami Vivekananda, Inspired Talks 

Little Mirror


Saturday, November 28, 2020

In Body But Not of it

We have observed Shri Ramakrishna; he was, as it were "देहस्थोSपि न देहस्थ: -- in the body, but not of it!" 

About the motive of the actions of such personages only this can be said: "लोकवत्तु लीलाकैवल्यम् -- everything they do like men, simply by way of sport" (Brahma - Sutras , II.i.33). 

               - Swami Vivekananda, 

                  Conversations and Dialogues, 

                      recorded by Sharat Chandra Chakravarty   

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Test Everything

These are the memorable words of Buddha: "Believe not because an old book is produced as an authority. Believe not because your father said [you should] believe the same. Believe not because other people like you believe it. Test everything, try everything, and then believe it, and if you find it for the good of many, give it to all." 

And with these words, the Master passed away.  

                   - Swami Vivekananda, At Pasadena, California 



Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Perfection of Active Type

He [Buddha] was the only man who was ever ready to give up his life for animals to stop a sacrifice. He once said to a king, "If the sacrifice of a lamb helps you to go to heaven, sacrificing a man will help you better; so sacrifice me." The king was astonished. 

And yet this man was without any motive power. He stands as the perfection of the active type, and the very height to which he attained shows that through the power of work we can also attain to the highest spirituality.  

                - Swami Vivekananda, Talk at Detroit

Highest Love


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Positive and Negative

The negative elements of Buddhism -- there is no God and no soul -- died out. 

I can say that God is the only being that exists; it is a very positive statement. He is the one reality. When Buddha says there is no soul, I say, "Man, thou art one with the universe; thou art all things." How positive!  

                      - Swami Vivekananda, 

                        ‘Buddha’s Message to the World’, 

                           Talk at San Francisco 

Oneness with God


Monday, November 23, 2020

Unique Personality

Such a unique personality, such a synthesis of the utmost of Jnana, Yoga, Bhakti and Karma, has never before appeared among mankind. 

The life of Sri Ramakrishna proves that the greatest breadth, the highest catholicity and the utmost intensity can exist side by side in the same individual, and that society also can be constructed like that, for society is nothing but an aggregate of individuals. 

               - Swami Vivekananda, Notes on Class Talks 

Highest Ideal


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sane and Strong

I do not believe many of his [Buddha’s] doctrines; of course, I do not. I believe that the Vedantism of the old Hindus is much more thoughtful, is a grander philosophy of life. 

I like his method of work, but what I like [most] in that man is that, among all the prophets of mankind, here was a man who never had any cobwebs in his brain, and [who was] sane and strong.  

              - Swami Vivekananda, At Pasadena, California

We Are All One


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Motherhood of God

Whoever -- man or woman -- will worship Shri Ramakrishna, be he or she ever so low, will be then and there converted into the very highest. 

Another thing, the Motherhood of God is prominent in this Incarnation. He used to dress himself as a woman -- he was, as it were, our Mother -- and we must likewise look upon all women as the reflections of the Mother. 

                 - Swami Vivekananda, 

                     in a Letter to Swami Ramakrishnananda (1895) 

Control of Senses


Friday, November 20, 2020


The universe equals the phenomena of one Universal Being. 

He, seen through our senses, is the universe. This is Maya. So the world is illusion, that is, the imperfect vision of the Real, a semi-revelation, even as the sun in the morning is a red ball.

Thus all evils and wickedness are but weakness, the imperfect vision of goodness.  

                - Swami Vivekananda, 

                  ‘Jnana and Karma’, Lecture in London 

Great Enemies


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Embodiment of Scriptures

... it was no new truth that Ramakrishna Paramahamsa came to preach, though his advent brought the old truths to light. In other words, he was the embodiment of all the past religious thoughts of India. 

His life alone made me understand what the Shastras really meant, and the whole plan and scope of the old Shastras. 

                - Swami Vivekananda, 

                  in a Letter to Swami Ramakrishnananda 

                    from US (1895)

Pure Mirror


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Putting Minds in New Molds

It is no great matter to control external material powers by some means and to perform miracles. But I have never seen a greater miracle than the way that ‘mad brahmin’ [endearingly referring to Sri Ramakrishna] would handle human minds like a lump of clay. He would pound those minds, beat them into shape, develop them, and then with a mere touch he would cast them into a new mould, with new thoughts.

- Swami Vivekananda, 

                   Sri Ramakrishna and His Divine Play, P441 

Ideal of Indians


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Buddha State

He [Buddha] was the only man who was bereft of all motive power. There were other great men who all said they were the Incarnations of God Himself, and that those who would believe in them would go to heaven. But what did Buddha say with his dying breath? 

"None can help you; help yourself; work out your own salvation." He said about himself, "Buddha is the name of infinite knowledge, infinite as the sky; I, Gautama, have reached that state; you will all reach that too if you struggle for it."  

                    - Swami Vivekananda, Talk at Detroit

Little 'I'


Monday, November 16, 2020

Uniqueness of Buddha

What Buddha did was to break wide open the gates of that very religion which was confined in the Upanishads to a particular caste. 

What special greatness does his theory of Nirvana confer on him? His greatness lies in his unrivaled sympathy. 

The high orders of Samadhi etc., that lend gravity to his religion are, almost all there in the Vedas; what are absent there are his intellect and heart, which have never since been paralleled throughout the history of the world. 

            - Swami Vivekananda, 

                in a Letter to Swami Akhandananda 

Only if Free


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Lord Buddha

I am the servant of the servants of the servants of Buddha. Who was there ever like him?-- the Lord -- who never performed one action for himself -- with a heart that embraced the whole world! 

So full of pity that he -- prince and monk -- would give his life to save a little goat! So loving that he sacrificed himself to the hunger of a tigress!-- to the hospitality of a pariah and blessed him! 

And he came into my room when I was a boy, and I fell at his feet! For I knew it was the Lord Himself! 

                - Swami Vivekananda, 

                   Sayings and Utterances 

                    (Swamiji had a vision of Buddha in meditation 

                          during his college days.)

To Join


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Word of Power

Bless men when they revile you. Think how much good they are doing by helping to stamp out the false ego. 

Hold fast to the real Self, think only pure thoughts, and you will accomplish more than a regiment of mere preachers. Out of purity and silence comes the word of power.  

Swami Vivekananda, 

   Discourses on Jnana-Yoga, US


Silken Body


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Hard to Teach New Ideas

It will take thousands of years to have large numbers of truly rational human beings. 

It is very hard to show men new things, to give them great ideas. It is harder still to knock off old superstitions, very hard; they do not die easily. With all his education, even the learned man becomes frightened in the dark -- the nursery tales come into his mind, and he see ghosts.  

                     - Swami Vivekananda, 

                       ‘Is Vedanta the Future Religion’, 

                           Talk at San Francisco 

Child of God


Monday, November 2, 2020

Humility and Reverence

 … for the Bhakti Yogi, humility and reverence are necessary. The Bhakti Yogi must hold himself as a dead man. A dead man never takes an insult, never retaliates; he is dead to everyone. 

The Bhakti Yogi must reverence all good people, all saintly people, for the glory of the Lord shines always through His children.  

- Swami Vivekananda, 

  Class-Talk in New York, (January 20, 1896)


Essence of Vedanta