All people cannot take up this Advaita philosophy; it is hard.
First of all, it is very hard to understand it intellectually.
It requires the sharpest of intellects, a bold understanding.
Secondly, it does not suit the vast majority of people.
So there are these three steps [Dvaita, Vishishtadvaita, and Advaita]. Begin with the first one. Then by thinking of that and understanding it, the second will open itself. Just as a race advances, so individuals have to advance.
The steps which the human race has taken to reach to the highest pinnacles of religious thought, every individual will have to take. Only, while the human race took millions of years to reach from one step to another, individuals may live the whole life of the human race in a much shorter duration. But each one of us will have to go through these steps.
First of all, it is very hard to understand it intellectually.
It requires the sharpest of intellects, a bold understanding.
Secondly, it does not suit the vast majority of people.
So there are these three steps [Dvaita, Vishishtadvaita, and Advaita]. Begin with the first one. Then by thinking of that and understanding it, the second will open itself. Just as a race advances, so individuals have to advance.
The steps which the human race has taken to reach to the highest pinnacles of religious thought, every individual will have to take. Only, while the human race took millions of years to reach from one step to another, individuals may live the whole life of the human race in a much shorter duration. But each one of us will have to go through these steps.
- Swami Vivekananda, Class-Talk in New York