A time must come when every man will be as intensely practical in the scientific world as in the spiritual, and then that Oneness, the harmony of Oneness, will pervade the whole world.
The whole of mankind will become Jivanmuktas -- free whilst living.
We are all struggling towards that one end through our jealousies and hatreds, through our love and co-operation.
A tremendous stream is flowing towards the ocean carrying us all along with it; and though like straws and scraps of paper we may at times float aimlessly about, in the long run we are sure to join the Ocean of Life and Bliss.
- Swami Vivekananda, Jnana-Yoga, London
The whole of mankind will become Jivanmuktas -- free whilst living.
We are all struggling towards that one end through our jealousies and hatreds, through our love and co-operation.
A tremendous stream is flowing towards the ocean carrying us all along with it; and though like straws and scraps of paper we may at times float aimlessly about, in the long run we are sure to join the Ocean of Life and Bliss.
- Swami Vivekananda, Jnana-Yoga, London