Monday, July 3, 2017

Beware of Dancing & Jumping Sects

All over the world there have been dancing and jumping and howling sects, who spread like infection when they begin to sing and dance and preach; they also are a sort of hypnotists.
They exercise a singular control for the time being over sensitive persons, alas! often, in the long run, to degenerate whole races.

Ay, it is healthier for the individual or the race to remain wicked than be made apparently good by such morbid extraneous control.

One's heart sinks to think of the amount of injury done to humanity by such irresponsible yet well - meaning religious fanatics. They little know that the minds which attain to sudden spiritual upheaval under their suggestions, with music and prayers, are simply making themselves passive, morbid, and powerless, and opening themselves to any other suggestion, be it ever so evil.

Little do these ignorant, deluded persons dream that whilst they are congratulating themselves upon their miraculous power to transform human hearts, which power they think was poured upon them by some Being above the clouds, they are sowing the seeds of future decay, of crime, of lunacy, and of death. Therefore, beware of everything that take away your freedom.

Know that it is dangerous, and avoid it by all the means in your power.
                                             - Swami Vivekananda ,
                                             Raja-Yoga (Classes in New York)

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