Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Spirit Worshiping Spirit

We are physically immortal even, one with the universe. 
So long as there is one that breathes throughout the universe, I live in that one. I am not this limited little being, I am the universal. I am the life of all the sons of the past. 
I am the soul of Buddha, of Jesus, of Mohammed. 
I am the soul of the teachers, and I am all the robbers that robbed, and all the murderers that were hanged, I am the universal. Stand up then; this is the highest worship. 

You are one with the universe. That only is humility -- not crawling upon all fours and calling yourself a sinner. That is the highest evolution when this veil of differentiation is torn off. The highest creed is Oneness. 

I am so - and - so is a limited idea, not true of the real "I". 
I am the universal; stand upon that and ever worship the highest through the highest form, for God is Spirit and should be worshipped in spirit and in truth. 

                                                    - Swami Vivekananda, 
                                                        Lecture in New York

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